You are Heard
Every day I come across women in our society who are still oppressed in many ways. The taboo that women can’t travel alone is very much still alive in some mindsets. women who like to spread their wings and fly so-called men, parents of society cut their wings. For such people, it's always what others think or what society says if they give freedom to girls of their family. Somewhere girls too easily give away their power to men. some women even if power is given into their hands to make decisions they fail to because since generations they were trained like that in so-called culture.
How can we forget what Gandhi Ji's words — India will be known as a free country when women here can walk freely during the night hours. this may be a possibility, but are women truly free, and independent to exercise their own choices. Women think emotionally, empathically. practically for women, all the areas of life are interconnected whereas men compartmentalize areas of life. I agree many times men think logically and practically but once men start thinking like women they will understand. My advice is simple just pay some attention to women in your life, just take time to listen to them they are not complicated beings one you put yourselves in their shoes you will easily understand them. why not take the first step to make time for them, sit with them, just talk to them ask their dreams and what they want to do, and just listen and give the satisfaction that they are heard.