Change is a battle in the Mind.
When things are going bad, when migrants are suffering on roads for basic needs like food and shelter anger is good but it should bring positive change in people. Change begins with each one of us and it begins by changing our thoughts, yes we can control our thoughts God has given that gift to every individual. Everyone’s mindset needs to change and once that conscious is pricked inside no one can stop that change. once our thoughts are right we take the right actions and that action brings a change in lifestyle and builds values and when values are built we can have an impact on the community we live in. we need to do something that builds humanity in people to liberate people from self-ego and self-deprecation. As someone said liberation is as painful as childbirth. The process takes time. People have lost the freedom of expression, standing for the principles, values and have become selfish. The oppressed are always oppressed no matter what. The change should come from people (you and me), not govt authorities. Are we ready for a change?